JEBer*innen auf einer Demo

Young European Federalists

HERE kannst du dich gleich für den Europadialog am 30. Oktober im Europäischen Haus anmelden.

Stellungnahme zur Correctiv-Recherche der Ereignisse in Potsdam am 25. November 2023

Um unsere Stellungnahme im Wortlaut zu lesen, klicke einfach auf das Bild links.

Image-Film zur SIMEP23 nun verfügbar!

About Us

The Young European Federalists Berlin-Brandenburg (JEF-BB) are a non-profit, independent and non-partisan youth association. What unites us and is particularly close to our hearts is the European idea. Europe is our future - and we want to have our say and help shape it. Because the new, united Europe should become our Europe!  

Join our WhatsApp group or subscribe to our newsletter for current updates on our activities.

Future Events

JEF-BB Eventkalender: Hier erlangst du eine Übersicht über unsere anstehenden Events!

Social Media

5 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago



Menschen halten Stimmkarten hoch

The Simulation European Parliament (SIMEP) was started by the JEF-BB in 1999 and has since had more than 5000 students as participants. Under an annually changing motto, the participants slip into the role of MEPs for two days and discuss current and controversial European policy issues in parliamentary groups, committees and in plenary.

European Cycling Tour

Making Europe tangible and experienceable in your own city - is that possible?

We followed up this question and designed a tour that will discover Europe in Berlin together with you. We want to take on new perspectives and find the unrecognised Europe in the everyday elements, places, people and buildings of our city.
