Have you only been a member of the JEF for a short time or do you still have no idea how and where you can get involved? In our association there are many exciting projects in which you can participate - always in a team, never alone. Together we want to be the young voice of a strong Europe here in Berlin and Brandenburg 💪
How can I start?
Deine Ansprechpartnerin ist Lilli, unsere stellv. Landesvorsitzende. Sie beantwortet alle Deine Fragen, hat einen Überblick über die Aktivitäten im Verband und kann den Kontakt zu einzelnen Arbeitsgruppen und Projekten herstellen.
Du erreichst Lilli unter lilli.bornemann@jef-bb.de
What offers and projects are there?
- Working Group Content: This is where applications are discussed and formulated, and our political positions are worked on. The AG organizes trips with our JEF friends in Rome, Warsaw and Paris and organizes a jour fixe (bar evening) in Berlin once a month.
Deine Ansprechpartnerin: Charlotte, charlotte.huhn@jef-bb.de - AG Internationales: Wir sind ein pan-europäischer Verband, deshalb ist ein starkes Vernetzen mit starken Partnern aus unserem Netzwerk Teil unserer DNA. Dazu veranstalten wir Fahrten ins europäische Ausland, gestallten die Positionen unseres Europaverbandes aktiv mit. Vielleicht kommt du beim nächsten Jahr mal mit. elisabed.chachava@jef-bb.de
- Working Group Association Development In addition to the content, we want to grow as JEF, win new members and position ourselves as a modern and diverse association for the future. The AG is planning member campaigns and is currently working on a code of conduct for the work in the JEF.
Deine Ansprechpartnerin: Lilli, lilli.bornemann@jef-bb.de
- Working Group Political Education One of our flagship projects is organized here: the SIMEP (Simulation European Parliament). Every year since 1999, up to 400 young people have had the unique opportunity to experience European politics and parliamentary processes up close and personal.
Deine Ansprechpartnerin: Hanna, hanna.trepte@jef-bb.de
- Berlin Dialogue on Europe: The Berlin EuropaDialog is the joint event series of the JEF Berlin-Brandenburg and the university group at the Humboldt University in Berlin in cooperation with the European Commission and the liaison office of the European Parliament in Berlin. Four panel discussions are planned for this year so far, which you can help shape - among other things, career opportunities in the EU, the situation in Ukraine and the situation after the presidential elections in France.
Dein Ansprechpartner: Lilli, europa-dialog@jef-bb.de
- Public Relations: How do we reach as many young people as possible with our projects? The "Public Relations" team is thinking about this. We look after the social media channels, write articles on the website, take photos at our events and send out press releases.
Deine Ansprechpartnerin: Alina, alina.wenger@jef-bb.de
How I do get in touch with other JEF-Members?
The many projects and working groups (see above) are a good opportunity to meet new people. Otherwise, we cordially invite you to our jour fixe, which always takes place on the 2nd Wednesday of the month - usually a relaxed bar evening in the Eschenbräu (further information can be found in our WhatsApp newsletter!).
How can I get involved at my university?
So far there are JEF groups at the following universities / in the following cities:
- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Click here for joining the WhatsApp group)
- Freie Universität / Technische Universität Berlin (Click here for joining the WhatsApp group)
- JEF Potsdam (Click here for joining the WhatsApp group).
- JEF Frankfurt (Oder) / Europa-Universität Viadrina (hier geht es zu unserem Insta-Channel)
Und: Wenn es an deiner Hochschule noch keine JEF-Gruppe gibt, helfen wir Dir gerne, Mitstreiter:innen zu suchen und eine Hochschulgruppe zu gründen. Melde Dich einfach bei Lilli (lilli.bornemann@jef-bb.de).
You want to become a JEF-Member?
You will find further information on this and the membership application HERE.
How do I stay up to date?
We regularly post information about events on our social media channels, announce projects and accompany current European policy debates. Leave a like there 😉
Pro tip: Subscribe to our WhatsApp-Newsletter!
Also subscribe to our regular newsletter by mail