The Young European Federalists Berlin-Brandenburg (JEF-BB) are a non-profit, independent and non-partisan youth association. What unites us and is particularly close to our hearts is the European idea. Europe is our future - and we want to have our say and help shape it. Because the new, united Europe should become our Europe!

Als Berlin-Brandenburger Landesverband der deutschen Sektion der Jungen Europäischen Föderalist:innen sind wir Teil des europaweiten Netzwerks von über 10.000 aktiven JEF-Mitgliedern aus über 30 Ländern Europas. Gemeinsam werben wir für Vielfalt und Einigkeit in einem föderalen Europa und bilden eine offene bunte Plattform für junge Menschen, die sich europapolitisch engagieren möchten.
With numerous actions, events and projects in Berlin and Brandenburg, we work voluntarily for a united, democratic, citizen-oriented, peaceful and solidary Europe. The focus of our activities is on European political education. We organise seminars, workshops, business games, panel discussions, rallies, trips and much more.
We draw the motivation for our voluntary commitment from our common goals. In addition, common demands or positions emerge from the discussions and productive work we do. We do not only want to inform, but also encourage critical thinking. With the energy of the youth, we bring new ideas and the necessary fresh breeze into European political debates. As the voice of Pro-European youngsters, we are regularly invited to interviews and other events to promote just these ideas.
JEB is open to anyone who has an interest in or even a little enthusiasm for Europe. Come to our Jour Fixe and get to know us there, bring in your opinions and ideas or take part in our actions and projects. We are looking forward to meeting you!
Unsere Satzung findet ihr hier, dazu gibt es auch noch eine Beitragsordnung. Wir kooperieren mit der Europa Union Berlin, u. a. durch eine Doppelmitgliedschaft (mehr Informationen in der Kooperationsvereinbarung).
JEF Deutschland
The Political Program of JEF Germany is the combined demands which were agreed upon at the Federal Congress - the highest body of JEF Germany. Here you can find the Political Program of JEF Germany.
JEF Europe
In contrast to JEF Germany, the Political Platform of JEF Europe is decided upon every two years at the European Congress, which brings together representatives from all JEF member countries. Here you can find the summary and here the complete Political Platform of JEF Europe.