Werde Mitglied bei der JEF-BB
Your heart beats for the European idea? Do you want to work for the cooperation of young people all over Europe?
Then you've come to the right place. Simply fill out the membership application below and send it to us.
To the online membership application
Beitragsordnung für Doppelmitgliedschaften JEF-BB und EUBB

Als JEF-BB-Mitglied hast du folgende advantages:
- You can get involved in a youth association with political weight and help shape Europe.
- You will receive invitations to numerous events dealing with Europe and international politics.
- You can take part in our seminars, conferences, excursions and trips free of charge or at a reduced price.
- You will become part of our Europe-wide network of over 30,000 active JEF members and alumni in parliaments, governments, NGOs and businesses.
- You can make contacts with interesting and politically active members all over Europe.
Willkommen bei der Jungen Europäischen Föderalist:innen Berlin-Brandenburg, willkommen bei den Jungen Europäischen Föderalisten!