Report Federal Congress*: Don't leave Europe out in the rain.

Hygiene concept stands. Proposals are ready. Only the delegates must make their way. One month ago the annual federal congress of JEF Germany took place in Münster, offline! A strong challenge that took a lot of preparation - at this point the JEB thanks the organizing team again!

A possibility to attend online was also introduced, for all members who could not be there.

A lot of JEF spirit even without a BuKo party, a lot of solidarity even with distance! Solidary and committed, like the JEF.

The Federal Congress began with the Trio Talk - "What responsibility do Germany, Portugal and Slovenia bear? On site were representatives of youth parties, digitally connected JEFers from Portugal and Slovenia.

This year's elections for the new Federal Executive Committee were particularly important. Clara Föller and Emmeline Charenton were able to win the elections for federal chairwoman and federal secretary by a large majority. For the JEB, Larissa Montag successfully ran for deputy chairperson. We congratulate all new members of the federal executive committee on their election and look forward to working with them. For the first time a female dual leadership was elected, which makes us very happy. Unfortunately, we are still missing a treasurer, but we are optimistic that the team will still be able to master all challenges.

Also in terms of content the BuKo was very diverse this year. The necessity to be more diverse and partly more low-threshold was emphasized several times. The consensus on this was reflected in the unanimous resolution of the Diversity & Empowerment proposal. Diversity within the JEF is a central theme, and the establishment of the Diversity & Empowerment Working Group has strengthened this. For more information please contact our working group (Link).

A strong signal for an ambitious climate policy was set and the proposal was unanimously accepted. The motion calls for a comprehensive, forward-looking EU emissions trading scheme and a European energy turnaround. It also calls for the creation of a sustainable European recycling economy. Of course, the strict protection of biodiversity and the development of sustainable agriculture were not forgotten. Last but not least, mobility is a central point of the proposal: promotion of railroads in Europe, expansion of bicycle infrastructures.  

The main proposal of the Federal Executive Committee was also accepted, which is about creating a new understanding of Europe and tackling political reforms. However, basic building blocks of the EU, such as the rule of law, must be linked to the cohesion funds. Necessary reforms in the areas of climate and migration policy are also addressed, and other proposals deal with the issues in more detail. The motion to close the border during the Corona Pandemic was also discussed. The closure of the borders is strongly condemned by the JEF / JEB. 

*Federal Congress: the Federal Congress is the highest decision-making body of JEF Germany, it meets once a year and consists of delegates from the national associations. Among other things, the Federal Congress elects the Federal Executive Committee.

**Federal Committee: the Federal Committee is the second highest decision-making body and consists of two delegates from each state association. The BA meets three to four times a year. It controls the Federal Executive Board, decides on the political and association policy guidelines between the Federal Congresses . Translated with (free version).